Goffs Greek School & G.P.A
Terms & Conditions
The following rules have been enacted after consultations between our governing body the G.P.A and the Greek Educational Mission for the following purposes:
- To ensure the smooth running of the School
- To inform parents of the way in which the School is run and thereby enabling them to help their children more effectively
- To enable pupils to readily understand the School rules in matters concerning discipline, behaviour, absence, work in the classroom and homework and their relationship with their teacher and fellow pupils.
School Hours
Goffs Greek School open term times on Saturdays are from 09.30 to 13:00 (the first Saturday of each month the school is open from 10:00 to 13:00)
Pupils should be at School at least five minutes before the start of School and are expected to attend the assembly before lessons. Parents should collect their children after lessons finish, from the designated area of the School, and the school hall. Parents who for whatever reason are going to be late in picking up their children must inform the School by phone (07984 877 920) before the end of School.
Parents of nursery pupils can collect children from outside the classroom, though for the safety of children we ask that only teachers and members of the committee, who have been DBS checked to walk along corridors.
Parents who for whatever reason are going to be late in picking up their children must inform the school by telephone 07984 877 920.
Annual Enrolment
School enrolment occurs at the beginning of the academic year in September but you can enrol your children before the academic year starts.
School Tidiness and Cleanliness
It must be particularly stressed that the Greek School is accommodated in the classrooms of the English School. Accordingly, it is strictly prohibited for pupils to:
- Tamper with any pictures, books, maps, writing instruments, games or anything else found in classrooms or in the hallways and which is the property of the English School and
- Bring to School dangerous or sharp toys or items which would soil or damage the classrooms or the desks.
Prohibited Items
It is strictly prohibited for any pupil to bring to School any handheld gaming devices, or any other audio, visual device for musical or other entertainment. If the child brings such items and is interfering with the class they will be asked to put the device away otherwise these will be confiscated for the duration of the day and parents will be notified.
The School will accept no responsibility for loss or theft of any personal items. Accordingly, valuables such as expensive watches and jewellery or other items should not be brought into School.
It is the strict condition of the School that all mobile phones should be switched off during lesson time. Any pupil found flouting this rule will have their mobile phone confiscated for the duration of the day if they persist on its use and is a distraction.
Conduct and Discipline
Appropriate conduct is expected of all pupils both in the classroom and in the School premises in general. The School continually strives to cultivate a sense of self-discipline in its pupils and to create opportunities for discussion and dialogue and for the assumption of responsibility. An essential prerequisite for the progress of pupils is their conformity to the School regulations and the instruction of their teacher.
Pupils who do not pay attention in their lessons, disturb fellow pupils, regularly shirk from doing their work, cause damage, answer back, generally show that they do not respect their teacher and do not obey the rules of the School will be reprimanded. The penalties aim on the one hand to self-correct the pupil and the other hand to maintain discipline and the normal working of the School.
These penalties may include – Contacting and informing parents, payment for whatever damage may have been caused, suspension from School and/or permanent exclusion from School.
A decision for suspension or expulsion can only be taken by a joint decision of the School Committee and the Head Teacher and only after the parents have been given the opportunity to comment on the matter. The parents have the right of appeal to the G.P.A officers.
It is strictly prohibited for pupils to leave the School premises during School hours.
The School should be notified of any absences in advance.
School Shows
All pupils are expected to participate in the School events such as the Christmas and end of the year concerts and other festivals.
Homework forms an integral part of the curriculum programme and Pupils will be expected to take work home to complete depending on their age and year. In instances where the pupil is absent from School, it is his/her duty to obtain the relevant details of the work from his/her fellow pupils and complete the work. If homework is systematically not being done, the parents will be informed in writing of the situation.
Contact Details
It is essential to keep the School informed of any change in address or telephone number. Your children’s care in the School depends on the ability to contact parents should the occasion arise.
School Progress
Parents are informed of their children’s progress on OPEN DAYS, which are held at the School. Parents who wish to discuss any matter with a teacher may do so by arranging an appointment in advance with the relevant teacher. The School Head Teacher is available to discuss any matter of concern to the parents at a mutually convenient time.
School Fees
The school fees are payable on enrolment, but in order to ease the burden, can be made in two instalments as follows:
- 50% of the fees to be paid on enrolment and should be received paid by the end of September.
- 50% of the remaining balance to be paid in January after the Christmas break.
Notwithstanding this, we are here to help. If you are struggling with the fee payment structure above please speak, in confidence, with the school treasurer who will work with you to agree a mutually acceptable solution.
The Greek Parents Association reserves the right to charge interest on fees paid late. New pupils starting mid-term will be charged a pro rata rate. The G.P.A reserves the right to exclude pupils from School in cases where there is non-payment of fees.
Goffs Greek School, The GPA along with Goffs Academy have engaged and will follow protocol as set out by the government. Under current guidelines we will operate to the best of our abilities and will also expect parents and family to abide and follow the guidelines set out in a separate document. Goffs Greek School, Goffs Academy and the GPA can not be held responsible for any outbreaks of the virus as this is outside our control although measures have been put in place to minimise exposure and to control its spread.
Signing the registration form will be a declaration that you have read and understood the above School "Terms and Conditions" and agree to assist your children to abide by them as a condition of their attendance at the School.